AAU Basketball Teams Mahwah, NJ

Conveniently located in Mahwah, New Jersey so we attract basketball players from Bergen, Passaic, Rockland, and Orange Counties

What is AAU Basketball?

AAU Basketball, which is short for Amateur Athletic Union Basketball, is competitive basketball for boys players ages 6-18. AAU Basketball was originally created to help get players exposure to colleges and to give younger players a more competitive environment than the typical high school, town travel, or recreational programs.

STACK AAU Basketball has quickly been recognized as one of the premier AAU basketball programs in Bergen, Passaic, and Rockland Counties because of our philosophy and state-of-the-art training facility. Our 15,000 square foot basketball and sports performance training facility provide an incredible basketball experience for its players for games, practices, and training.

AAU Basketball is about Learning!

At STACK Sports in Mahwah, New Jersey, we believe and understand that basketball is a team sport and it is meant to be played that way. Our philosophy is much more than just playing basketball, as we put an extreme emphasis on players learning and understanding the responsibilities of being a part of a legitimate AAU basketball program. 

The STACK AAU Basketball Coaching Staff is filled with very successful x-basketball players as well as some of the best high school coaches around. All of our coaches have bought into the STACK AAU Basketball philosophy and we do our best to instill it into our young players. 

The STACK AAU Program has teams at all levels and we try to have spots on teams for all players who want to learn from us. We even have Elite AAU Basketball Teams for the player who wants to be completely committed to playing at the highest level possible.

If you are a basketball player who is willing to listen, learn, work hard, and be a part of a program that is all about its athletes then the STACK AAU Basketball Program is for you. If you want to see what really separates the STACK AAU Basketball Program from other click here: 10 Reasons why STACK Basketball is the best AAU Program in Bergen, Passaic, and Rockland Counties.







  • STACK Basketball is run by Coach Williams.
  • 15,000 sq ft basketball training facility for games, practices and training.
  • We teach basketball player to be team players on and off the court.
  • Our teaching is consistent so players can come to additional practices.
  • We teach a pass first offense so all players are involved during the games.
  • We teach Man to Man defensive principals and zone strategies.
  • We help players become calm, composed confident teammates on the court.
  • STACK players will become students of the game and thinkers on the court.
  • Our players conduct themselves as representatives of the STACK Program.


  • Spring, Fall, and Winter 3 Months Each – Summer 2 Months.
  • Minimum 10 games, 2 practices per week, skills classes offered 5 times a week.
  • We schedule around other sports and potential conflicts, as best as possible.
  • Email/Text alerts and 24-hour online access to your team schedule.
  • Players can now attend unlimited, skills classes in our Elite Package.
STACK AAU Basketball Mahwah, NJ


Owner of STACK Basketball

Paul Anthony Williams

Professional Basketball Career:

Player Accomplishments in Spain

  • Spain LEB Gold Defensive Player of the Year
  • Spain LEB All-Imports Team
  • Spain LEB All-Defensive Team
  • Second Team All Spain LEB 

Player Accomplishments in England

  • British League Center of the Year
  • First Team All-British League, British League All-Defensive Team
  • BL Finalist, BBL Cup Finalist, BBL Trophy Finalist
  • All-British League Honorable Mention
  • BBL Cup Champion

Player Accomplishments in Asia

  • ASEAN League Playoff Semifinalist
  • Japan BJ League Player of the Month (Dec)
  • Japan BJ League Playoffs Conference Semifinalist
St. Bonaventure University:

  • 2 Seasons in Top 10 for total rebound and rebounds per game
  • 2 Seasons in Top 10 for blocks and blocks per game
  • 2 Seasons in Top 10 for 2-Point FGP & Free Throw Attempts

St. Patrick’s High School:

  • Named “Best Big Man” in the NJ by High School Coaches Association
  • First-team All State
  • Union County Player of the Year
  • Averaged 18 points, 8 rebounds, and 2.5 blocks per game

Our Director Coach Paul Williams brings over  25 years of basketball experience to the STACK Basketball Program. Not only was Coach Williams a 1st Team All-State basketball player, he was also named Best Big Man in the State of NJ in 2002.   He played Division I Basketball in college and a professional career overseas for over 9 seasons. He was lucky enough to have learned team basketball from legendary Coach Kevin Boyle, who is now the coach of the elite Montverde Highschool in Florida. 

Program Philosophy

Coach Paul Williams is dedicated to sharing the same values and mindset that helped him become a great player with all the athletes at STACK. He is determined to make STACK a place where kids can come and work hard to chase their dreams. Not just a 2 practice a week place but instead a program that encourages players to come in for practices and training up to 7 days per week.

Coach Williams is constantly looking for ways to make basketball better for the players at STACK. He does this by always relating to his playing days and what coaches taught him. Trying to help players understand the commitment and work that goes into getting better is something he does on a daily basis. He is always telling his players that all they have to do is ask for some extra opportunity and the answer is YES. He always finds ways to get players extra work and to challenge them to get out of their comfort zone so they can mature into respectful individuals. 

Player Requirements

Coach Williams has only a few requirements of his players and they are: listen, learn, and work hard. All of his players understand the importance of these 3 requirements and if they practice them, they will improve. To read what parents and players are saying about STACK you can visit the page STACK Sports Reviews

Our Coaches are:

USA Basketball Certified

AAU Basketball Certified

Private, Small Group and Team Basketball TrainingSTACK Basketball Certified

Our Basketball Coaches/Trainers

Atom Johnston


25+ Years Coaching Experience

Played 4 Years HS Basketball

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Mawel Soler basketball trainer and coach STACK Sports Mahwah

Mawel Soler


Player Professionally 8 Years

Played Bowling Green  4 Years

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Giancarlo Rodriguez


10+ Years Basketball Experience

Played 4 Years High School

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Natalie Mileski


10+ Years Basketball Experience

STACK Certified Trainer/Coach

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Connor Cyran


Plays Mount St. Mary’s

10+ Years Basketball Experience

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Our tryouts help organize our teams based on the things below.

We make sure all players get the most out of their STACK Basketball experience.

  • Commitment Level – The amount of time a player has to commit to STACK.
  • Opportunity – Giving players the best opportunity to develop.
  • Skill Level – To help all players and teams get competitive games.
  • Car Pooling – We try to meet requests to keep friends together on teams.

STACK AAU Basketball Tryout FAQs

  1. How many games & practices do STACK offer per season? (Excludes Summer)STACK offers more games and practices than most, if not all other AAU programs in the area. We are able to do this because we have our own facility and are dedicated to giving our players the best basketball experience possible. That being said, we play between 13-16 games and have between 20-25 practices, skills sessions or sports performance training sessions per season. (Season about 3 months) All you have to do is check the competition and see that STACK offers much more basketball and a way better experience to our players!
  2. How do the age requirements for STACK teams work?
    We have recently moved our team age requirements to be in line with the New Jersey AAU rules. Your son or daughter is now eligible to try out for the age team they are as of August 31st. If a player is in a grade but eligible to play for the younger grade I will discuss with the parents and player to make sure he/she is on the best team to develop. Basically leaving the decision up to the player or parent on whether they will play with a grade down but still their age or just play with players in their current grade.
  3. How do you work the schedule because we have a lot going on?
    AT STACK we are fully conscious of the fact that most families are very busy and trying to fit a lot in for their kids. We do our best to schedule around all requests made by our parents and players. We also offer a huge benefit for our players and that is to allow them to come to other teams practices. At STACK we teach the same philosophy, structured offense and defensive strategies to all teams from 4th grade and up. This allows players to come to any practice that is on the STACK Program Schedule in case a player misses one with their own team or needs some extra work to learn. We also have developed our own scheduling and alerting platform called HoopAlert to keep all parents as organized as possible when dealing with the STACK Basketball Schedule.
  4. Why have you decided to have tryouts vs. having sign-ups for STACK?
    I am trying to raise the level of seriousness in the STACK Basketball Program. I want to organize the players based on commitment level, skill level and the town they live in. This will hopefully lead to better attendance at practice and games, which will ultimately lead to STACK getting to the next level locally.
  5. Will you be cutting any players?
    I have said it from when I first started coaching STACK and continue to believe that I will always find a spot on a team who wants to play for me.
  1. Will there be A and B teams at each grade level?
    Not necessarily. Many players come to STACK from certain town travel teams who want to stay together. I will do my best to keep these players together to help them prepare for their travel season. I will be trying to put the most skilled and committed players on a team but if one of those players is coming with a group of travel players from a town, then he will be given the option of which team to be on and have to make a decision. I will be completely focused on putting players will they will get the most opportunity to develop and help build the STACK program.
  2. Do all players have to attend tryouts and how many?
    ALL players whether you have played STACK in the past or not should attend AT LEAST ONE tryout. There are 2 dates available for players to attend and like the town travel programs expect their players to attend tryouts STACK does too. I would encourage ALL players to attend as many of the tryouts as they can. If for some extreme reason a player cannot attend any of the 3 dates for tryouts please contact me.
  3. What has motivated you to have tryouts for STACK?
    The main reason is to raise the level of our practices so we can take STACK to the next level. I am also trying to avoid players missing practice for other basketball programs in the area. In my opinion (and maybe I am biased) what is being taught at STACK is one of the best ways to play basketball that I have seen for youth in the area. I am not quite sure why a player would want to skip a STACK practice or game for another basketball program (excluding their town teams) but maybe they are just misinformed to how you really get better at basketball and learning how to play is better than just playing. I am hoping tryouts will send a message that STACK is a serious basketball opportunity.
  4. What is the difference between the tryout days and registration day?
    Like your town travel programs, you have tryout dates. Then when you find out your team you then register for the program by filling out paperwork and paying the fee. The registration day is a 3-hour window player can come to fill out the forms, try on a uniform and pay the fee. If you cannot make the registration day then other options will be made available via the Internet or mail.

10. Are the STACK tryouts different from the normal STACK teams?

There is only one STACK program and the tryouts are just a change to the original process of signing up for STACK.

11. Do 1st and 2nd graders have to try out?

No. 1st and 2nd graders just sign up.

12. Will any of the STACK teams get any more or less than other teams?

All STACK teams will have the same amount of practices, games, skill sessions and sports performance training. I will look to schedule games that are most competitive for our teams to play. So some teams may play against different teams and tournaments but all will get the same amount of games. Ryan Tremblay and his assistants will still coach all teams. So all players will get plenty of work with Ryan Tremblay in practices and games. All of the same philosophies, offenses and defenses will be taught to all participants of the STACK program.

13. Will there still be equal playing time on all STACK Teams?

As always getting our players court time is one of our top priorities. That being said the coach does have some discretion to playing time when the game is in the balance down the stretch. In a game where the coach uses discretion players are still playing 12-15 min of the game minimum. This may happen 1-2 per season if that.

14. Is the $20 tryout fee good for all tryout sessions?

Yes. Players are encouraged to come to all of the sessions and they can get a good workout at each one.

15. What are some important things we look for from players in Tryouts?

The most important thing STACK is looking for from players is their level of commitment, ability to listen and to work hard. The highest-level teams at STACK will demand a total commitment to attending practices and games over other sports they play. That being said STACK does have teams where practices can be missed without penalty or deduction in playing time in games.



Spring Tryouts

Session 1 & 2

Boys 3rd-12th Grade – 3/1 & 3/2

(Session 2) Boys HS 9th-12th – 3/8 

STACK Basketball
101 Corporate Drive Suite G
Mahwah, NJ 07430

$25.00 covers all tryouts.

Boys ages 7-18.

Players are only required to attend 1 tryout.

Spring Season runs early March through late May.


If you can’t make tryouts call 201-684-9190.

Tryout Schedule

Saturday – March 1st
Sunday – March 2nd
8:00am – 9:00am
3rd-4th Boys
8:00am – 9:00am
3rd-4th Boys
9:00am – 10:00am
5th-6th Boys
9:00am – 10:00am
5th-6th Boys
10:00am – 11:00am
7th-8th Boys
10:00am – 11:00am
7th-8th Boys
11:00am – 12:00pm
9th-12th Boys

HS Session 2 

Saturday – March 8th

11:00am – 12:00pm
9th-12th Boys

Players should try out for the grade he/she is in as of 9/1/2024

If you have missed the tryout dates and still want to play we may have a spot for you. Please contact us 


Monday – March 3rd
Makeup Session
Sunday – March 9th
HS Makeup Session
5:00pm – 6:00pm
3rd-8th Boys
11:00am – 12:00pm
9th-12th Boys

Girls AAU Program

For More Info


