Basketball Training

Tips on How to Motivate Youth Basketball Players

Find What Drives Them

Youth basketball players’ goals are a little simpler to spot than their older counterparts, who have a long history of conflicting objectives. The top reason why youngsters get into basketball is because it is enjoyable.

This, however, can be combined with a desire to develop their abilities, remain in shape, do something they enjoy, contest, and participate as a member of a collective or with their buddies. The most crucial thing to remember about young players is that the last motivator is the most typical response.

Be Able to Talk Shop with Them

You should start brushing up on your basketball vocabulary if you don’t already know it. If you try to teach something you don’t grasp, your players will quickly notice the gaps in their understanding and begin to disregard your directions, and give your viewpoint a little weight. A competent coach will constantly teach what they’ve learned while also attempting to learn the rest.

Read more: Top Ways to Improve in Basketball

Be Specific, Be Practical

It’s ideal if you can be precise about what you want to see from them when you’re providing ideas on how they may enhance a certain element of their game.

For example, instead of simply telling them that you want them to improve their free-throw shooting, take them to the practice basket and demonstrate what you want them to be capable of accomplishing mechanically. It offers them something to strive for, as well as a response to the issue, instead of just a query that they are unable to answer.

Explain the Purpose of Their Drills

All youth players realize that exercises are used to prepare them for the physical talents they will need to demonstrate in the game. Interval sprinting and free throw exercises, for example, are self-explanatory.

However, describing the objective of other exercises that appear more abstract at first glance can help them realize where they would improve by doing it, and as a result, they will be motivated to do it. Explaining how the figure-8 workouts can help them be more nimble and turn on a dime in play, for example, will get them more in line with what you’re trying to accomplish.

Don’t Be Afraid to Show some Discipline. When you demonstrate (fair) discipline to your young players, they will not be opposed to it, therefore don’t be hesitant to take a hard stance with them when necessary.

The greatest approach to demonstrate discipline is to develop a training framework that they can assume you to hold them accountable for if they don’t comply and to impose those expectations.

If you need them to run a lap during a drill, you must ensure that they complete that lap before they may rejoin the exercise. It demonstrates that you truly care about their progress, and if you don’t follow through, you’ll lose their respect and whatever motivation you have.

Read more: Steps to Becoming Better at Dribbling the Basketball

Wrapping Up

Finally, just as essential as identifying the proper motivating keys for each individual player, demonstrating the same level of focus on the entire team fosters synchrony, which in turn fosters trust and dependability.

Each participant might be driven not just by their personal desires but also by their place in the larger picture.


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