Basketball Training

The 5 Types of Passes in Basketball?

Passing a basketball is a key skill that young players should work on a regular basis since it is the cornerstone of any effective offense. Against a competent defensive squad, teams who rely entirely on individual players dribbling around the court will struggle to score many points.

Make sure novices grasp the principles of passing and catching a ball before teaching them how to make particular sorts of passes. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find some basic advice. There won’t be any team play unless players can confidently throw and catch a basketball.

Basketball passes are commonly divided into five categories: 

Bounce pass


  • It’s used during passing to a shooter in the position or a player making a backdoor cut at the conclusion of a fast break.
  • When it starts with a shot or pass deception up high, it’s the most successful.
  • To get through the hands of a defender who has his hands up.
  •  It’s the most time-consuming of all the passes. Throwing a cross-court bounce pass is risky since it is readily caught.

Chest pass


  • The most efficient and reliable ball movement pass.
  • If there is no defender in the passing channel, pass the ball down the court to a teammate.


  • The passer’s chest should be the starting point for the pass, and the recipient’s chest should be the receiving point.
  • The curve of the ball’s trajectory should be minimal. It should be a very straightforward flight.
  •  Hands should follow through to the top of the chest.

Keep a close eye on your players’ elbow. Make absolutely sure they’re folded in tight to the body rather than flapping about like “chicken wings.” Elbows that stick out cause the hands to spin improperly, reducing pass accuracy and power.


Overhead pass


  • Used to get past a defender who has his hands down.
  • Great for cross-court skip passes, outlet passes or feeding a post.


  •  Beginning with the ball just above the brow and elbows towards the target, the shooter should start with the ball just above the brow. Don’t throw the ball behind your back. It may be taken from the back, and throwing the pass takes more time.
  •  This pass should be directed at your partner’s brow. She should get it around her chin level.
  •  Because many children’s upper bodies and triceps muscles are underdeveloped, this will be a more challenging pass for them.
  •  Hands must follow through high on the forehead, similar to a bounce pass or a chest pass, but higher.

One-hand push pass


  • Used to go past the defender who is firmly protecting you or beneath the arms of another player.
  •  A direct pass or a bounce pass might be used.
  •  When the thrower pretends high and then throws low, it fits brilliantly.


  • The passer should try to bounce the ball roughly 2/3 the distance between himself and his partner, much like a conventional bounce pass.
  •  The ball should be passed to the partner around the waist.·
  •   Instead of being tossed down, the pass should be pushed outside.


Baseball pass


To make a long pass to a player on the other side of the court. It’s a tricky pass to master.


  •  The baseball basketball pass is tossed in the same way as a baseball is pitched.
  •  Because kindergarten and early primary basketball players have trouble gripping the ball with their little hands and producing enough force to hurl it very far with any precision, it’s a tough pass to perform.
  •  With the shooting hand behind him, the passer looks crosswise to the receiver.
  •  By guiding with the elbow and moving with the opposing foot, push the ball beyond the ear.
  •  Shift your weight to your front heel and continue in the throw’s trajectory.


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